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The Story Behind the BotHELL House of Horrors

Date: October 31, 2021
Challenge: Survive a Night in the Graveyard
Location: The Bothell House of Horrors

Halloween is once again upon us, and while we haven’t creaked open the tomb doors on the haunted manor quite yet, there will still be all manner of frightful fun and ghoulish delights to thrill and chill you to the bone!

Join the Bothell House of Horrors in our graveyard for tricks, treats, and our frightfully fun – and socially distanced – Candy Flume of Doom. Ghouls and goblins of all ages are welcome to come by and enjoy our ghastly graveyard full of creeping fog, crawling critters, and a few new devilish additions to our haunted pumpkin patch.

Brave souls are invited to join us on Halloween night for trick-or-treating from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. rain or shine. Be there and be scared!


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